• Rapid test
  • HEV-IgM
  • Anti—HCV Rapid Test
  • Anti—TP Rapid Test
  • TB rapid Test Kit
  • Blood test
  • Hepatitis
  • Tumor marker

    Location:Product Center > Introduction > Rapid test

    Cat. No:0
    Principle:This kit uses the principle of colloidal gold immunochromatography technology to coat gene recombine HEV-Ag on the Test line on the nitrocellulose membrane, to coat goat anti-mouse IgG antibodies on the Control line, and to fix colloidal gold-labeled mouse anti-human IgM monoclonal antibodies (μ chain) on the gold-labeled bad. When testing a positive sample, HEV-IgM antibodies in the sample will form complexes with mouse anti-human IgM monoclonal (μ chain) antibodies on the colloidal gold pad and the complexes move along the nitrocellulose membrane due to chromatography force. The complexes will combine with coated HEV antigen to form sandwich and aggregate to form color. Free gold-labeled mouse anti-human IgM monoclonal antibodies will combine with goat anti-mouse IgG antibodies on the Control line to form color. A negative sample will only show color on the Control line.
    Anti—HCV Rapid Test 

    Cat. No:0
    Method:Methodology: Indirect
    Principle:Principle: The kit uses colloidal gold immunoassay technology with the chromatographic principle to qualitatively detect hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies from human serum or plasma. During the test, HCV antibodies from the sample combine with colloidal gold-labeled antigens to form immune complexes, which move forward on the membrane due to chromatographic effect. Those immune complexes will once again combine with HCV antigens coated on the T line to form Au-HCVAg-HCVAb-HCVAg complexes, which aggregate to form colour. Free colloidal gold-labeled antigens aggregate with rabbit anti HCV antibodies on the C line and form colour. Negative samples only form colour at the C line.
    Anti—TP Rapid Test 

    Cat. No:0
    Size:20 cassettes
    Method:Methodology: Indirect Method
    Principle:The test uses colloidal gold immunoassay technology with the chromatographic principle to qualitatively detect TP antibodies from human serum or plasma. During the test, TP antibodies from the sample combine with colloidal gold-labeled antigens to form immune complexes, which move forward on the membrane due to chromatographic effect. Those immune complexes will once again combine with TP antigens coated on the T line to form Au-TPAg-TPAb-TPAg complexes, which aggregate to form colour. Free colloidal gold-labeled antigens aggregate with rabbit anti TP antibodies on the C line and form colour. Negative samples only form colour at the C line.
    TB rapid Test Kit 

    Cat. No:E0407
    Method:Colloidal gold immunochromatography
    Principle:Purified recombined TB antigene which has high specificity. Coating the antigene on the Nitrocellulose membrane, and colloidal gold conjugate adsorb on strip. When sample is added, sample move to test zone and control zone. Present TP antibody IgG, the antibody is captured by antigene, then bond the colloidal gold conjugate, generating a visible red line. The intensity of red is direct proportion with the amount of antibody IgG.
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